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News — BeautyBlends

Beauty Blends: The Beauty Benefits of Berries


Beauty Blends: The Beauty Benefits of Berries

Hi Beauties! It's a terrific Tuesday here at Beauty Mixtress™ and the Handmade Beauty Studio is smelling pretty darn as batches of the new soaps for the Autumn Release are filling the air! I'll announce the next release next week so stay tuned! Don't forget we're having a sale on Monday, September 6! Mark your calendars. This week on Beauty Blends we're going to discuss the benefits of berries. Strawberry, Blueberry, Raspberries and Blackberries! Berries are one of the healthiest fruits you can eat. You will impressed with the wonderful benefits of the powerful fruits. So let's get into it!...

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Beauty Blends - Beauty Benefits of Pears


Beauty Blends - Beauty Benefits of Pears

Hi Beauties, It’s another great week here at Beauty Mixtress™️. After National Cleanse Your Skin week, I’m excited to share more information on how we improve our skin naturally. This week for Beauty Blends I want to discuss pears. Pears are one of my favorite fruits to eat. Little did I know the benefits I was receiving by consuming them.🤗 So let’s get into it! Pears are a juicy fruit, delicious and with many benefits for health, skin as well as hair. Pears are an antioxidant-rich fruit which makes it powerful for boosting the immune system and creates a healthy and proper...

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Beauty Blends - The Beauty Benefits of Guava


Beauty Blends - The Beauty Benefits of Guava

Hi Beauties, I hope you enjoyed last week's Beauty Blend blog where we discussed the wonderful skin benefits of lime. If you missed it, you can check it out here. This week for Beauty Blends, we're going to explore the wonderful beauty benefits of the Guava fruit. So let's get to it. Guava is usually grown in tropical and subtropical regions. It's a native fruit of Mexico and Central America. It is a pear-shaped fruit with light green or bright green skin, depending on the variety. Ripe guava has yellowish or maroonish skin. The fruit has white or pink flesh (depending on the...

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Beauty Blends - The Beauty Benefits of Lime


Beauty Blends - The Beauty Benefits of Lime

  Hi Beauties! Today I’m starting something new. We all know how skincare products can benefit our skin from the outside, right? Well I’ve been on a journey of learning how certain foods can benefit our skin from the inside as well as the outside. With that said, I’ll be sharing Beauty Blends. A quick read on how certain fruit blends are beneficial for your skin. This week I want to talk about the fruit Lime. A lime has several properties that may promote healthy skin when consumed. One is that they’re high in vitamin C, which is necessary to make collagen (a...

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