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How to live a better life with psoriasis

dry dry skin itch itching make-up make-up routine plaque psoriasis plaques psoriasis redness scaly skin

How to live a better life with psoriasis

Imagine living each day wondering if you will have to endure another psoriasis flare up. Wondering where it would show up and how long it will last. If you have psoriasis (or no someone that does), you know exactly how it feels. For those of you who don’t, you can never imagine what life is like. Just like our previous blog on eczema, the feelings a person goes through mentally and physically is loneliness and despair. A person feels embarrassed when their flare up is visible to others. Their self-esteem takes a hit and causes them to seclude themselves from...

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This week at LBB!

This week at LBB!

Hello friends, Last week was another fun and productive week at LBB! I did not get A LOT done, but I got a lot done, lol.  I took the weekend off (Friday-Sunday) so my daughters, granddaughter and I could attend my nephews high school graduation and get some R&R at the beach.  It was a great weekend! I managed to still make 4 custom loaves that were urgent and cut the large batches of soaps that I made over the weekend.  Now I have to admit I am a little upset. I attempted to cut the large batch freehand by...

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How to minimize eczema symptoms for a better life!

dry dry skin eczema exfoliate itch itching itchy rash moisture moisturize rash triggers

How to minimize eczema symptoms for a better life!

Itchy, dry, thickened skin, usually on the hands, neck, face, and legs are some of the symptoms individuals with eczema are living with on a daily basis. As you can imagine, these symptoms are accompanied by a rollercoaster of emotions as they try to cope and seek relief with this condition. Unfortunately their misery doesn’t end there. Eczema can also result in scarring of the skin that can be visible anywhere from days, weeks and even years, this is especially noticeable in African Americans.This is truly disheartening because for those who don’t suffer from it, you wouldn’t have a clue...

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How to live a better life with dry skin!

butter dehydrated dry dry skin hydrate itch itching lotion moisture moisturize oil peeling skin water based

How to live a better life with dry skin!

Dry skin plagues many people today. Due to its uncomfortable nature and visual appearance, it has many people flocking to stores and doctors trying to find relief. For the most part dry skin is minor and can be treated at home without physician assistance, but it takes time and a consistent routine. There are a small amount of individuals who have developed severe dry skin outside of having a skin disease. When dealing with dry skin, individuals have moments of feeling very uncomfortable. Skin can become very itchy and even with the application of products that help control itch, one...

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