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Say Goodbye to Summer Breakouts: Your Ultimate Acne Prevention Plan

Say Goodbye to Summer Breakouts: Your Ultimate Acne Prevention Plan

Welcome back to the blog👋🏾 Hey there, fellow sun worshippers! With the summer heat upon us, it's time to bust out the sunscreen, flip-flops, and those fabulous shades. But hold on a sec! While we're all excited about beach trips and outdoor adventures, our skin might not be as thrilled. Yep, you guessed it—we're talking about acne breakouts. Fear not, dear readers, because today I’m going to give you an action plan to help prevent and treat those pesky pimples during the summer heat!Hydrate like a boss:We all know the importance of staying hydrated in scorching temperatures, but did you...

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Skincare Secrets Unveiled: How to Successfully Transition from Spring to Summer

Skincare Secrets Unveiled: How to Successfully Transition from Spring to Summer

Welcome back to the blog! As the vibrant colors and warm breezes of summer approach, it's time to give your skincare routine a refresh. With the changing weather and increased exposure to the sun, transitioning your skincare routine is essential to maintain healthy and radiant skin. In this blog, I’ll guide you through the necessary steps to adapt your skincare regimen from spring to summer, ensuring you understand what your skin needs to look and feel its best during the sunny season. Assess Your Skin's Needs: Before making any changes to your skincare routine, it's important to assess your skin's...

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How to Protect Your Skin from Pollutants?

How to Protect Your Skin from Pollutants?

Welcome back to the blog!We're continuing our focus on the skin as we near the summer. While we're outside, we're encountering an issue that has damaging affects to our skin, pollution. In today's modern world, pollution has become a significant concern for our overall health, including the health of our skin. Environmental pollutants, such as smog, dust, and chemicals, can have detrimental effects on our skin, leading to premature aging, dullness, acne, and other skin issues. However, by implementing a few best practices into our skincare routine, we can minimize the impact of pollutants on our skin and maintain its...

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Aloe Vera: The Ultimate Secret Weapon for Calming Sunburns and Irritated Skin

Aloe Vera: The Ultimate Secret Weapon for Calming Sunburns and Irritated Skin

Welcome back to the blog! Last week we discussed why we need to protect our skin from the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays with sunscreen. This week we’re going to talk about aloe vera and how it can help heal our skin from sunburns and inflammation of the skin. At one time or another, we've all experienced that unpleasant sting of a sunburn or the frustration of skin inflammation. Luckily, nature has provided us with a wonderful plant that can come to our rescue; aloe vera. In this blog, we'll explore the incredible benefits of aloe vera for treating sunburns...

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Protect Your Skin - The Importance of Sunscreen

Protect Your Skin - The Importance of Sunscreen

Welcome back to the blog! The other day I sent an email out reminding customers to always wear sunscreen. A few questions came out of that email so I decided to give you a blog that will explain things more in detail. Many people like myself took sunscreen for granted until I noticed how my arm would turn red and blotchy when the sun shined on it through the window of my car.  That's when I knew I needed a better understanding about the importance of sunscreen to protect myself from the sun. During my research, I was shocked to...

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