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Commit To Yourself

Good morning friends!

I know many of you are excited that 2020 is finally here. For many it's a new day, fresh start, or do over. I for one am thankful that it is a new day! I don't make resolutions but thought about what I want for myself this year. I definitely will continue to grow my relationship with God but I also am keeping my mental and physical health a priority. If you have been following my journey over the last few years, you know that I was always working and rarely would sleep. My friends and family didn't know how I would stay up later than them but rise before them.🤷🏽‍♀️ I didn't see it that way, but they were right.

In June 2019 I had to take a hard look at myself to see what everyone else saw and I was not pleased. Hard pill to swallow, but I was a wreck. I decided a change was needed and began making changes that day. Now six months later, I know I am a better mentally and physically.🤗

Commit To Your Skincare with Beauty Mixtress

You see some people may read this email as a form self care or self love, but self care/love is temporary. Something you do for yourself from time to time. By committing to yourself, you are making a decision or promise if you will, that everyday and everything you do will be beneficial to your life and those you come in contact with.

Whether spiritual, meditation, health and fitness, starting a business, etc., how will you commit to YOU? Let me know by replying to this email. I would love to share your commitments with my subscribers at a later date. You never know how your words can inspire someone else.

Of course I can't leave without sharing that there's no better way to start committing to yourself by shopping at Luxurious Bath Boutique. We have an array of gentle soaps, moisturizers and scrubs to ensure you feel and smell your very best everyday. 

See you in the next blog!

Beauty Mixtress™


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