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Self Care - How to Focus on Your Mental Health

Welcome back to the blog!

I can’t believe August is here. Next thing you know it will be time to put away the flip flops and bring out the hats, scarves and boots, lol. But not so fast, we still have some great warm weather to enjoy.

For this month, I drew a blank deciding what I wanted to write about on the blog. I mean I was blank. I have a whole list of things I could discuss but none of them felt right. I had a conversation with a good friend and he said just to be honest with you all. He was right. 

I rarely show the personal side of me (except for my VIPs) because social media is so cruel. I never want anything taken out of context but at the end of the day, I want to share my life and want to have a healthy dialog with my customers and audience.

As I sat here thinking about what I wanted to write I started becoming frustrated. I was thinking to myself what you all would think if I didn't release a blog today. Yes it can happen but only for a good reason. Regardless if no one reads the blog, it has to be released. I'm a business and this blog should always be up to date because content is very important to me. I've had so many women (and men) ask me questions over the past 11 years because they are so lost, confused or boggle down with so much information they don't know who to believe or trust. That's why I love creating blogs. It's a way for me to speak and educate you without me actually being there. You can leave questions, comments or send me an email if needed.

Self Care - How to take care of your mental health

So I'm sitting here frustrated then anxiety started to creep in. I began pacing the floor and kept asking myself what am I going to do? First I walked away. I can't resolve anything by focusing on it. Then I prayed and I eventually felt better. Once I spoke to my friend I knew this was a great topic for this month.

So here it goes🫣......I struggle A LOT with my business. And please, don't look at this as I'm complaining or looking for sympathy because I'm not. I love my company! But there are days I want to give up. Business is hard, being a woman is hard I wonder how much more can I handle? I’m a firm believer in God and I know he doesn’t give me anything I can’t bear. But some days I’m like “COME ON”. When will this get better? Ya’ll, I be in here shadowboxing😂. 

Mental Health of a Black Woman in Business

It’s hard working my butt off everyday at my job then turn around and work nights and weekends on my business. It’s even harder when you do the work and you don’t reach your goals. I put so much work in my business that I feel like I should be further along than I am. Whew! Never thought I would let that out.

How to cope with Mental Health - Focus on the Positive

How else do I cope with being frustrated with my business, I start reading the reviews, emails, DMs etc. that you all send me telling me how much you love the products, the comments you receive, etc. I focus on the positive. Many times it's easier said than done, but your notes keep me motivated and going. Never allow your mind stay in a negative state.

Look, we all have challenges in business, work, family, friends and so on. But many times especially during these challenging times, things can be quite overwhelming to the point you don't want to talk to anyone or want to just give up. I've been there.

So this month you will get to see another side of me. I will share challenges I have in different areas of my life, how they affect my mental health and how I cope and overcome them. In doing this, I hope I can help you navigate through your challenges as well as you share what has helped you.

Next week we will discuss how my mental health is affected when dealing with family. I know many of ya'll can relate to this.

Beauty Mixtress™

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  • Beauty Mixtress en

    @Shirley – Yes it’s hard to open up especially for me. One thing I’ve learned over the years is the first thing we need to do is open up about our challenges. Once we do that, true healing can begin.😉

  • Shirley en

    I know this topic can be a tough one to discuss, but I’m glad you did. Thank you for letting us know that in addition to taking care of our bodies we need to do the same for our mental health .🙂👍

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