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Day 7 - LBBs 8-Day Skin Detox

Dead Sea Mud by Luxurious Bath Boutique

Wow! One Day left. It's actually been a week since we started this skin detox. I wish that I could show you how my skin feels because there is a difference. I wonder how it will be after a whole 30 days☺️.

Yesterday I went ahead and use The Everything Bar and I was not disappointed. Oh how I missed it so😂. Ok, I'm being dramatic but I enjoyed using it. This soap lathers ridiculously and just feels so good to the skin. I wanted to use my shower puff but decided against it because I'm clean. Like, "clean, clean"😂. I did not want to disrupt the top layer of skin by stripping it furthers so I opted for the washcloth.

It has really been a fun week of adjusting and using several bars of soap to my liking. Some of you may ask if using so many soaps/body washes ideal, and the answer is no. One (two is ideal) is enough. The frequency you will need to use soap is key. If you have been reading these blogs, the items I discussed pretty much have the same properties. You as the customer will need to determine which one you need to keep in rotation along with your everyday soaps and body washes. Having any of these in rotation will ensure you are fully removing product from your to ensure any other nourishing soaps and body moisturizers can penetrate your skin.

Day 7

I was not going to mention another product because I thought there weren't anymore but how could I forget, Mud Scrub!!


Dead Sea Mud Body Scrub by Luxurious Bath Boutique

Mud Scrub is a new item at Luxurious Bath Boutique. Mud Scrub had debut during the Autumn Release. It is made with the base of our Bath in a Jar scrubs with the addition of Dead Sea Mud. It goes hand in hand with The Everything Bar. The only difference is the Mud Scrub is made with actual Dead Sea Mud whereas The Everything Bar is made with Dead Sea Clay.

I will not go into the details about the benefits of Dead Sea Mud as we went over them yesterday. If you have not had a chance to read yesterday's blog (Day 6), you can read it here.

If you are questions whether the Mud Scrub will strip the skin even further since I have been detoxing all week and the answer is yes and no. Yes because it is a scrub and scrub remove dry skin/debris from and being I pretty much don't have any, my skin will become dry. But then the answer is no because the Mud Scrub is super moisturizing to the skin. I was skeptical as well when I thought about creating it. But I had to see what it would do. I was amazed at the glow and softness of my skin once I rinsed off and you will as well. The only thing I will add is that when applying to my skin at this point in time, I will extra gentle. We're supposed to be gentle when apply body scrubs anyway. Heavy pressure is not needed as the exfoliant (sugar) doesn't need assistance with removing dead skin. Once it glides across, it removes.

My Plan

Today I will use The Everything Bar again with a washcloth then apply the Mud Scrub gently to my skin. I will follow up with Decadent Body Fluff to stay moisturized. My face routine will remain the same, black soap and Ambi.

If you have used LBB Mud Scrub or have any questions, leave a comment below.

Ok, gotta run and work those mid-winter release soaps. I will tell you all more about it on Monday, January 4. 

Chat with you tomorrow,
Beauty Mixtress™

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