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2022 Summer Release: Summer Reset

2022 Summer Reset Summer Release by Beauty Mixtress™

Welcome back to the blog!

Today I wanted to share with you the theme of the 2022 Summer Release, Summer Reset. I gave the release this title because the summer is the perfect time to refresh your skin, why? Because this is the time of year you can't hide it. Let's face it, most of us slack of during the fall and winter months, but its almost impossible to slack during the summer. We show more skin during this time because it's too hot to be fully clothed. So while you are focusing a lot more on your skin this season, this is the perfect time to give you the tools and products to great looking skin.

To reset your skin, you will need to focus on the products and techniques that give your skin a smooth feel and look to it. This summer focus on detoxifying the skin and moisture. Detoxifying removes impurities and toxins from your skin giving you the perfect foundation for your moisturizer of choice to give it a beautiful appearance and glow.

As we approach the release in a few days, examine our products and descriptions closely for their benefits to give your skin the glow that everyone loves during the hot months. Remember, your hair doesn't like humidity, but your skin loves it!

Beauty Mixtress™

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